Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Crayfish Dissection Lab

The crayfish is known for living in freshwater areas, but are found in both the Southern and Northern Hemisphere. There are also many different species of crayfish throughout the world. When it comes to a crayfish's anatomy, they are very similar to a small lobster. The crayfish tend to breathe through their water-like gills, and they can survive both in and out of water for several days.  In order to eat, the crayfish use their claws to grab onto prey and then eat it with their mouth's. Usually crayfish tend to eat shrimp, water plants, insects, snails, and plankton. Crayfish are also known for being an Invasive species and also are consumed very often by people. 

Here is a lovely video describing the dissection of a crayfish:


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