Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Frog Dissection Guide

The frog is found all over the world, but there are over 4,800 recorded species. Unlike most animals, the frog can breathe while submerged in water well as not submerged in water. When the frog is submerged the oxygen directly diffuses into the blood, but when they are not submerged in water it goes through as process called the Buccal Pumping. This Pumping system, pushes air through the throat and and breathes air through the nostrils. To eat, the frog uses their cleft tongue, instead of using hands or legs, to grab their prey. After they catch their prey, they use their eyes to help swallow their food and then down it goes down into their stomach. Generally it tends to eat many different types of insects. An interesting fact is that in Europe they tend to associate frogs with witchcraft while the Moche people of Peru believe that seeing a frog was good luck.

Here is a video that will help describe the dissection process of the frog:

http://www.biologycorner.com/bio2/notes-frog.htmlthe frog

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